Our Esteemed Collaborations
Coordinator |Portugal
Associacao Juvenil Da Ilha Terceira

The Youth Association of Terceira Island (AJITER) is a non-profitable organization, created in April 2003. Its main objective is to promote the youngsters’ integration and active participation in their own communities and to fight the generalized indifference among youth.


Partner |Greece
iED - Institute of Entrepreneurship Development

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is a Greek non-profit organisation committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancement of the entrepreneurial spirit. Established in 2005, iED is a certified leading Center of Excellence in European entrepreneurship and a fast-growing Digital Innovation Hub, registered as a member of the European Commission's catalogue of DIHs. It conducts research and provides innovative solutions that facilitate the growth of entrepreneurship and promote employment.


Partner |Italy
Youth Europe Service

Youth Europe Service (born in January 1999) is a no-profit association that works, in the social and environmental field, to:

  • Promote actions to respect nature & the environment
  • Integrate people with disabilities or disadvantaged
  • Promote knowledge and protection of the historical, cultural, artistic patrimony
  • Develop social, cultural, artistic, educational and sports activities to create a European citizenship
  • Realize youth exchanges and trainings, voluntary services, organization of cultural events
  • Help the development of new entrepreneurs & job opportunities
  • Promote activities and initiatives in tourism development and promotion
  • Organize campaigns for peace, brotherhood and solidarity


Partner |Turkey
Avrasya Yenilikçi Toplum Derneği

EURASIA Innovative Society Association is a Non-Governmental and Non-Profit organization that is one of a network of one Education Support Centers established in 2021 Eskişehir Turkey, to support the ‘Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and Continuous Professional Activities (CPAs) of approximately 6000 teachers, 100.000 youngsters, 100 youth associations, 1000 youth workers, 30 VET schools, 150 local schools staring from pre-primary to end of secondary. The association has 21 researchers, 10 youth workers, teacher hub having 400 teachers, 220 volunteers especially after winning some innovation projects. The association is created by 100 EDUCATION VOLUNTEERS. EURASIA is set up in order to ensure digital and green transformation of the society.


Partner |Austria
VAEV Research and Development Agency GmbH

VAEV R&D Gmbh (VAEV Research & Development Agency GmbH) is the private extension of VAEV (Vienna Association of Education Volunteers), a non-profit organization with multi-year experience in the implementation of Erasmus+ projects. VAEV R&D Gmbh aims to enhance and promote the skills of youth by cooperating with local schools, education centres and NGOs on the development of comprehensive and updated curricula with the skills and competencies needed for the 21st century.
