Project Launching of the “GREEN YOUTH” Project – Newsletter #1

Educational materials for environmental sustainability

With an ever-increasing urgency to
address global environmental
challenges such as uncontrolled
wildfires, rising temperatures, and
extreme weather conditions, it is
paramount to instill a sense of
responsibility and proactive action in
our youth.

Organizations, NGOs, and
informal groups play a
crucial role in moulding our
youth into conscious citizens,
actively participating in the
creation of a greener future.

Alignment with SDG Target 4.7

“Green Youth” is not only a call to action but also embodies the principles of the SDG target
4.7. By 2030, this target aims to ensure that learners acquire the skills needed to promote
sustainable development. This includes education for sustainable development, sustainable
lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, peace, non-violence, global citizenship, and the
appreciation of cultural diversity. Our project strives to adhere to and propagate these

Why is Green Youth Important?

The recent severe climatic events in
Europe underscore the urgency of
addressing environmental challenges.
Syracuse recorded the highest
temperature in Europe at 48.8°C in
2021, with countries like Greece, Italy,
and Turkey facing devastating wildfires.

By leveraging digitalisation and ecofriendly
educational materials, “Green
Youth” aims to make eco-education
more accessible, engaging youngsters
in actionable initiatives for
environmental sustainability.